Sustainability. Fairness. Opportunities.
Sustainable improvement of the living conditions in Africa
Sustainability. Fairness. Opportunities.
Our Vision
Sustainability. Fairness. Opportunities.
Our Vision
Asjeba Management AG
Asjeba provides Nature Based Solutions - NBS for the Restoration of Degraded Soils
We respect and strive for a balance with nature and are doing do our best to facilitate people living and working with us to improve their well-being and their children’s future. As a 21st century fully digitalized company we bring precision agroforestry, watershed management, safety, security, wildfire protection and modern living to hard-working rural communities in the belt of our Planet.
We promise near magic: from wasteland to lush biodiversity in five to seven years with our “Global Initiative for Restoration of Degraded Soils – UN Decade of Restoration”.
We honour the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
01 Present
02 Future
Asjeba Group
Our Sustainable Development Goals
Asjeba’s philosophy is to achieve sustainable soil management while creating at the same time an environment for local populations to have a better future for themselves and their children. The fundamental five-pronged approach include: rehabilitating degraded soils; making use of organic fertilisers only; promoting soil carbon enrichment; selecting only areas that are affected by or at risk of soil degradation; and promoting land-use planning and landscape-based approaches. Asjeba places people at the epicentre of its processes of consensus-building and planting will be done in cooperation with agricultural universities to achieve practice-oriented and applied research.
01 Asjeba Products
02 Ecoliving
Planting Your Future
On behalf of the local people Asjeba Group